Product Management

Product Management

We implemented Linear App for our task management and collaboration last week. This week, all team members joined the workspace. The PM team lead assigned PMs to each track - Digital Marketing and Content Creation - Dominica Eze Product Design - Theresa Egiemeh Engineering - Frontend and Backend. - Lucky Obieze Graphic Design - Nkechi Elizabeth Data Analytics and Customer Relationship Management - Victoria Edem

Daily standups were held within tracks and tasks were updated and monitored on each track’s Linear dashboard using ‘To-Do’, ‘In Progress’, and ‘Done’. ‘Priority’ and ‘Assign To’ features were also used.

Engineering Conducted a walkthrough with both tracks to introduce the week’s task. Assigned tasks to specific team members in order to complete task and meet deadline.

Data Analytics Worked with PM and Product Design to get writers for focus group Joined in on the focus group call and got writer’s POV, their needs and problems and discussed possible ways our platform can solve their problems.

Customer Relationship Management The FAQ document was worked on by Victoria Edem since we don’t have a team member on that track. Lucky Obieze, created a chatbot with to automatically answer the FAQs. Chatbot mounted on the landing page created by the Frontend team.

Aside from the weekly tasks, Victoria iterated on PRD, User Flow, User Personas, and Customer Problem Template. Donald from Product Design helped with designing the User Personas on Figma.

General standups continued being held at 9am and 10pm daily.